stem losses

美 [stem ˈlɔsəz]英 [stem ˈlɒsɪz]
  • 遏制损失
stem lossesstem losses
  1. More than 10 North American banks and fund managers have collectively injected $ 3bn into their money market and cash funds since October to stem losses .


  2. Air France is looking to China 's booming market for international travel for new sources of revenue , the company 's chief executive officer said Wednesday , as the carrier struggles to stem losses and slash costs globally .


  3. To stem losses , the airline is terminating poorly-performing routes , cutting thousands of jobs , consolidating engineering and catering bases , and establishing joint ventures in Asia such as Jetstar Japan and Jetstar Hong Kong .


  4. The Guardian publisher has spent the last few years battling to stem losses of £ 44m a year . However , it has been slow to make savings and any money that it has clawed back has been spent on expanding its US and online operations .


  5. The company says the policy is aimed at protecting buyers from bogus sellers and to stem potential losses it incurs from its buyer protection program .


  6. Australia and New Zealand launched co-ordinated plans to safeguard their banking systems yesterday , hoping to stem heavy losses suffered by their currencies and markets last week .


  7. The SEC has been under pressure from lawmakers and the public to hold Wall Street firms and executives accountable for the mortgage products they sold that later resulted in taxpayer bailouts to help stem rising losses .


  8. In this group , the reversals stem mainly from losses to previous gains in political empowerment .
